I came a little late, Aizat dah duduk kat depan, so I sat at the back. Beside me was a girl from Kuantan and her shy but tall cousin. She as very friendly. We talked a lot and exchange numbers. Her cousin was polite and all smiles but he didn't utter a word. I didn't even catch his name. Oh well, her name is Anis, sesuai sangat,muka dier pun manis..:)
Math class bo-rink...cikgu add math the day before but BM best gak lar...BI lak...cikgu semangat tapi dah tepu sangat otak. Nampak Ono Kento look alike lagi...Wah, he looks EXACTLY like ono kento, cuma pakai cermin mata. Here's a photo of Ono Kento.

Benar kata Achak, Khalis look-alike by the name Afdhal Aqil, came for teras. He was with his i dunno, cousin? Friend? Dua2 pakai cermin mata. Adik kpd Afdhal, dier juga mewarisi kening abang dier. LOL. Tapi I notice yang dier x cakap ngan bebudak lain.. well, a few guys but girls no.
Anyway, hantar kak anja malam tuer. Kak Anja masak kek and cupcakes. CUN gler. raser choc-strawberry and ada strawberry icing with choc flakes. Yum!
Datang awal gler. Hahahaha. Met Aizat and sat beside a girl named Ain. She's with her friend, Iffah and they go to Teknik Setapak. In front me sat ONO KENTO look-alike. WOW. It's been FOUR days and everywhere I sat, I could see him VERY WELL. Is this fate? LOL

muka dier macam nier>>>>>> tapi pakai speks.
SMS Anis maser kelas Maths sebab bosan. Anis duduk belakang gler ngan cousin dier. Sebelah Aizat, ada group budak2 laki yang duduk sama perumahan. Behind me were Nabilah, Asyiqin and Athirah who are living in the same kawasan perumahan, go to the same school and are in the same class! Cool, isn't it? They go to Kiaramas. Behind them was a girl wearing red shirt by the name Nabilah wait, i think that's her name tak ingat sangat. She's Very cute and friendly. Behind (I think it's)Nabilah was Afdhal Aqil and his friend/cousin.
Nabilah, Asyiqin and Athirah love JDRAMAS. YAY! Geng JDRAMA!! Nabilah likes Yamapi, Athirah is Mizushima Hiro while Asyiqin has it for Ikuta Toma. They watch Hanakimi and Hana Yori Dango. Yeah, I know. FATE.
Since Aishah asked me to ask Afdhal his school, I tried to talk to him. Somehow, our eyes met a lot of times, I guess he heard me when I talked to the girls that I was from Kusess. Bracing my courage, I always have troubles making friends with boys, I dunno why, I talked to him. It goes like this.
Me: Tanya laki tuer boleh?
friend: Tanye aper? (muka pelik)
Me:Um...tanya dier kan...abang dier Afdhal ker?
(She pusing belakang. Me panic!)
friend: Jap, Rakinah, sapa? Af--Af?
Afdhal looked at me. I gulped. Oh-uh. So, I took a breath and smile.
Me: Um...(alamak, dier pandang! Kawan dier pun same!) Um, adik Afdhal ker?
Afdhal: (senyum. manis doh.) (angguk) Ye. adik dier.
Me: Oh....Namer Afdhal jugak ker?
Afdhal: Ha-ah. Afdhal.
Me: Itu...masa bio, eh tak, add maths tu, kawan kter...yang pakai cermin mata yg duduk dekat kter...dier kirim salam.
Afdhal: Oh. Ok (jawab salam)
Afdhal: (senyum lagi mamat nier) sekolah kat Taiping.
Me: (aik? Teknik taiping ada ker?) Oh, teknik ker?
Afdhal: Taklah(senyum) Tak. Sains Taiping.
Me: Sekolah sains jugak ker? Oh....(memang adik Afdhal la, pandai.)
Thank goodness. Setakat tuer mampu ku tulis. Penat sungguh. Overall, ari nier best sebab I read novel during class and chat with Anis, Aishah, Kak Anja, Nazlia and saper eh td...kat kelas. Bengkel nier boleh lar tapi cikgu KUSESS lagi best!
Oh yer, tadi jumpa debater STAR tuer. Dier tanya perancangan KUSESS utk PPM tahun nier. LOL. Dier muka rajin, duduk depan, mentelaah. Memang ternyata star la. Anyway, janji ngan dier nak jumpa kat UIA tahun depan. Hm...macam la aku nier boleh pergi. Dahla tak hebat...dah lamer tak training pulak tuer. Lagi2 mahhe ngan gajen dah takder. Aduh...
Dahla..nak ciao.
Congrats to 0610 for getting the 102 8As. yea. yea. habisla 0509 kena perli2 lagi nanti kat skool.