Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What I've learnt today

Who said reading fanfics won't give you knowledge? Just yesterday I've learnt from a NejiTen fanfics that ;

Polyphenols are a group of chemical substances that exhibit antioxidant
properties… they’re found in plants such as tea and cacao

-Neji Hyuuga, Majide Hero by matsu.jen

and also that,

Polphenols, due to their antioxidant properties, could fight off cancer
-Tenten, Majide Hero by matsu.jen

koko-->chocolate-->antioxidant--->good for health.


It's a good thing I like dark chocolate better. It has lower sugar level and
promote good blood flow. It also has a lot nutritional values.

hehehe. Now excuse me, I'm going to endulge in more fanfics.

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