Saturday, August 29, 2009

this week

since i can only use the computer on weekends, I spent the whole week studying and finishing my homeworks. And boy, I was surprised. I finished pretty much what the teachers gave. I'm pretty happy but recalling how horrible my memories are some time, I'm not surprise if I found out that there's homeworks that I left at school. Typical me. *sigh*

And I really hope the things I read this hols would stick to my brain. Please.

That aside,I learnt that Tao Ren from Shaman King had a kid. I also learnt that Jake from American Dragon had a kid too.

I also learnt that Ben 10: Alien Force is not bad. Adik, baby and me had been watching it this week. Exactly 10, we'll be glued on TV for 25 minutes. haha.Speaking of baby, she was sick earlier this week but now she's fine. Though it looks like Kak Anja had caught the flu. And since this week had been pretty cold, I was sneezing like mad yesterday.My nose looked like Rudolph's.

Tonight we're eating out for berbuka puasa. Ah...kembunglah aku...

Note to self, call restoran Tupai-Tupai for reservation or Syafira's gonna have my head!!!

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